The Concentration Camp SS 1936–1945: Division of Labour among the Perpetrators in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp – An exhibition at the historical site


Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten,
Band 56

Edithen by Günter Morsch with the Support of Yvonne Dörschel

The exhibition in the preserved original “Commandant‘s House” shows the collaboration and intermeshed organization of the six departments of the command staff and the concentration camp guard troops in the planning and execution of mass killing operations. Specifically, the exhibition focuses on two of the larger killing operations, which took place in 1941 and 1945. It also examines the biographies of SS perpetrators and the legal prosecution of the crimes they committed in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The catalogue contains almost all texts and numerous illustrations from the permanent exhibition “The Concentration Camp SS 1936-1945: Division of Labour among the Perpetrators in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp”.

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