€ 19.00
IHRA series, vol. 2
Editors: Corry Guttstadt (Project Coordinator) Thomas Lutz (Topography of Terror Foundation, Berlin) Bernd Rother (Willy Brandt Foundation, Berlin) Yessica San Román (Centro Sefarad-Israel, Madrid)
The volume Bystanders, Rescuers or Perpetrators? The Neutral Countries and the Shoah offers a trans-national, comparative perspective on the varied reactions of the neutral countries to the Nazi persecution and murder of the European Jews. It examines the often ambivalent policies of these states towards Jewish refugees as well as towards their own Jewish nationals living in German-occupied countries. By breaking down persistent myths, this volume contributes to a more nuanced understanding of an under-researched chapter of Holocaust history and also considers the challenges and opportunities related to Holocaust education and remembrance in the neutral countries.
Buchbesprechung von Wolf Kaiser, http://www.hsozkult.de [16.9.2016]
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