
Medical Care and Crime. The Infirmary at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936–1945


Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten, Vol. 22

2. Auflage 2013

The book contains the complete text and many illustrations from the exhibition “Medical Care and Crime. The Infirmary at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936–1945”. It was opened in November 2004 in the original barracks R I and R II. In the infirmary “racial research” and numerous medical experiments were carried out on inmates. SS doctors performed compulsory sterilisations and castrations. Several thousand inmates were murdered in systematically planned programmes to dispose of the sick. The infirmary was also intended to provide a minimal medical care for inmates. Overcrowding, inhuman treatment and a poor supply of medicine led to mostly excruciating conditions in the infirmary. Care and treatment for the ill and dying came mainly from inmates assigned to work as medical assistants and doctors.

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